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The Saudi Oral and Maxillofacial Society aims to achieve the following:

1- Developing the professional scientific thought in the field of specialization of the association and developing the scientific and professional performance of the members of the association

2- Providing the opportunity for workers in the fields of specialization and interests of the association to contribute to the movement of scientific and professional progress in these fields.

3- Facilitating the exchange of scientific production and scientific and professional ideas in the field of the association's interests between the concerned institutions and bodies inside and outside the Kingdom.

4- Providing advice and carrying out the necessary studies to raise the level of performance in the areas of interest of the association and various institutions and bodies

5- Contributing to setting standards for practicing the profession in the specialty of the association and participating in monitoring and maintaining its performance.

6- Contribute to raising the level of health awareness among the public


The development of professional scientific thought in the field of specialization of the association and the development of the scientific and professional performance of the members of the association
Providing advice and carrying out the necessary studies to raise the level of performance in the areas of interest of the association and various institutions and bodies
Facilitating the exchange of scientific production and scientific and professional ideas in the field of the association's interests between the concerned institutions and bodies inside and outside the Kingdom
Contribute to raising the level of health awareness among the public
Providing the opportunity for workers in the fields of specialization and interests of the association to contribute to the movement of scientific and professional progress in these fields

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